Saturday 9 December 2023

Never Let You Fall


Stay strong she who battles,

For all who inhabit her heart.

Stay strong the love of so many souls,

Let not hope from you depart.

And during the darkest of days,

And through the longest of nights,

When that dark spectre of terror

Conjures fear, despair and fright,

Know that God in all his majesty,

And resplendent in all his glory,

Watches over you and protects,

Because he has yet to complete your story.

See God sometimes puts us in places,

That can be so overwhelming,

Where the light of hope and happiness

Appears to rapidly recede into the gloaming.

It can be hard to understand why,

It can be hard to fathom the reason,

It can be hard to comprehend the toil

And figure out the season.

But God does not give us burden,

That we cannot shoulder and support,

Nor does he cast us adrift,

With no hope of finding port.

For his bigger plans require our faith,

To know and hear his call,

For He is always watching,

And will never let you fall.



Saturday 2 December 2023

It's just business.......


‘It’s just business’ they say;

That’s always the response they use.

‘You need to grow a thicker skin’,

As if their lack of morals is so easy to excuse. 


These are the same people who pontificate

So that all the world can see,

But as soon as the eyes of accountability are turned,

Drop any illusion of integrity.


I always wonder how they act at home,

And with those that they value as friends.

Do they also stab them in the back,

And walk away, soulless, refusing to make amends?



Fucking hypocrites all!

I’d rather deal with an honest sheister,

Than this two faced bull.


DEI, Social Credit and ESG

A litany of shrouds to shield poor ethics,

Because once their true nature is revealed,

It’s always comes down to performance metrics.


Integrity is the cornerstone of our business!

(Until we stand to lose the deal)

We place people at the centre of everything!

(Until we can get this at a steal)

We want to build with our partners!

(Until we need to use them for cover)

We always pay our bills!

(Unless we want to fuck them over)


So continue to mire in your decrepit world,

Convince yourself you’re Lord of all you see!

Just know we never forget,

And soon the piper will demand his fee.


You say I’m naive.

You say I’m soft inside.

You say that I’ll never win,

As if modelling integrity is to be decried.


But you’re wrong!

You couldn’t be further from the lede,

And as your Mpire falls I’ll wave goodbye

As I pass you and use integrity to succeed.


Hidden from View


I must admit, I must profess,

I didn’t always comprehend,

The level to which their mind control,

Did encompass and extend.


You may demand, and rightly so,

To know of whom I speak,

To put a name to the graven face,

Who choose fear to mould the weak.


When truth be told and voiced aloud,

We didn’t make it hard,

Because when we bathe in ignorance,

All courage do we discard.


The courage to care when others fall,

To not look away and cower,

To recognize that ‘they’ are us,

And next they’ll be climbing our tower.


I was one, but never more,

Because others helped me see,

I scaled the ramparts of my fear,

And confronted my own mediocrity.


So what was once hidden from my mind

And camouflaged from my view,

Now stands erect and crystal clear,

A bastion of the truth.


It would be easy to look upon those still sleeping,

And cast my insult and derision,

Much harder the task to help them see,

And form their own opinion.


And yet you still ask ‘who are the ones

Who wield fear to control the masses’?

Who convince you that your lying eyes

Are blind to all that for reality passes?


The truth you seek so desperately,

Will only truly be revealed,

When you are prepared to confront yourself,

And to your own fear and indifference not yield.


The power to live as one desires,

Will always reside within us.

The strength that epitomizes the human soul,

Will always be victorious.


My request, therefore, in these dark times

Is to not blindly believe what you are told,

But to question, challenge, and rationalize,

Be strong, be brave, be bold!


For strength will always hold your stead,

And courage will always their lies deter,

While boldness will a beacon shine,

And forever help you prosper.

Saturday 2 September 2023

Unpaid and Unslayed


It's time to let go.

It's time to forgive.

It's time to move on,

And forget how we lived.


That's what they tell me.


But I can't.


See it's not so easy,

Because you didn't have to pay;

And when I most needed support,

You took it away.


I cannot forget,

I cannot forgive,

Because things can never return

To the way we once lived.


I get it,

To some degree at least,

But you decided to cower

Instead of fighting the beast.


But I did.

And I did it for you.

But all you did was hide,

Lest the eye fall on you.


So I'm still angry,

And I don't think that will ever go away,

Because you could have stood with me

And help keep them at bay.


But you didn't.


So I paid the price

For putting others first.

And now you look to me

To sate your new thirst?


Why should I care

That you now see the spiral?

Why should I care

Now that courage has gone viral?


I'm angry and pissed.

You left me alone to fend,

When all I ever wanted

Was to feel the support of a friend.

Saturday 26 August 2023

Way Back and Far Beyond

There used to be a time,

Way back and far beyond,

When people could disagree,

And still have a bond


Of friendship and respect

That honoured the meek,

And didn't seek to cancel

Those that chose to speak.


But gone are those days,

Buried deep in condescension,

Leaving only the vileness

That demands your suspension.


A world that seeks to control

And call to attention,

Any speech that would challenge

And highlight perceived contention.


It's no longer a case

Of debate and discussion,

But shouting and screaming

And sounds of derision. 


How did it happen?

How did we get so far off key?

Why did we let this happen

To them, you, and me?


When did we lose

The art of persuasion?

How do we fix it,

And balance the equation?


For one we can acknowledge 

There are always many faces,

And we do a disservice with

The concept of 'safe spaces'.


Because the truth can be hard to hear

And just as hard to see,

But to achieve equality of thought

We need that kind of equity.


So it doesn't matter

If it's about sex, guns, or gender, 

Or debates that discuss 

First, second, or third trimester.


We need to talk.

We need to openly discuss

And listen and listen and listen,

To opinions that differ from us.


Then maybe, just maybe,

When we've cured the division,

We can come together as one,

And always make the right decision.

Sunday 20 August 2023

Silent Voices & Stolen Choices

A silent voice,

A blind glance,

Always a reason,

For avoiding the dance.


We see the truth,

It’s right before us,

But we choose not to speak,

And just join the chorus.


Even when those

We count as kith and kin,

Are singled and beaten.

We refuse to see the sin.


See it takes courage to stand;

To be that strong, lonely voice,

Especially when your silence is bought,

By those who deny choice.


It’s not you after all,

Not your face in the hairs.

So why raise your hand,

And risk the despair?


Because it’s the right thing to do!

There should be no silent voices,

When normal men and women

Suffer for making informed choices.


For the leaders of Man,

Who serve at our displeasure,

Should never be allowed to deny

Freedom, Self and Treasure.


Nor should they profit,

From fear, control, and power,

But they will unless you act!

Cometh the man, cometh the hour!


It's time to conquer your fear,

To find your voice; it's not too late!

Freedom and truth command us to act,

And clarify their mandate.

Saturday 1 July 2023

That 0.1%


You're strong;

Stronger than you know.

You are prepared to stand tall,

In places others fear to go.


You command their attention,

Even when you are trying to hide,

Because people are forever drawn

To all that you are on the inside.


Hidden from their view,

Screened from their gaze,

The key only given to those

Who practice life in the same way.


But even the strongest of us,

The ones who provide love and protection,

Have creases and seams,

Where doubt can creep in.


And when that occurs,

So rare that it may be,

I will always be there to protect you,

By doing unto you as you do to me.


And I would live and die,

Hold on tight, and never relent, 

Because life will always have purpose

For that 0.1 percent.

The Door


I watched him hold the door.
You could tell, from a glance,
He’d done it a million times before.
He was up there in years,
His gait now somewhat unsteady;
But for her, his girl,
He would always and forever be, ready

Sunday 22 January 2023

The Courage to be Different

 We all know that leadership takes courage. The courage to act, the courage to recognize (and admit) when you are wrong, the courage to change course when you need to, the courage to present an opinion that runs counter to popular opinion, and the courage to put others first.

In previous posts I have talked about my parents and the incredible influence they have had on my development as a leader. Truer role models of hard work, perseverance, excellence, integrity, and compassion you will not find. As parents they sought to inspire me to be the best I can be, and I in turn have tried to instil the same in my children. What I did not expect, however, was the magnitude of the influence my children (two amazing sons) would have on further moulding and honing my leadership style. I think as parents we tend to assume that in relation to our children the learnings will always be one way. I have come to appreciate the arrogance of that assumption.

Take Zachary, my eldest. A young man with a clear understanding of what he believes in, what he holds dear, an incredible moral compass, and a heart as deep as the ocean. A young man who will not fear confronting the strongest if he knows their position to be unethical. A young man who will accept the consequences of taking a stand for the truth when all of those around him lack the courage to do so. A man of his word and with the highest integrity.

Logan, my youngest, has been blessed with similar convictions. A young man who will happily carry the hardship and inconvenience that typically accompanies a service-oriented life. A young man who does not complain about hard work, and just gets it done. A young man who has overcome the struggles life has dealt him and still maintained a joyous, untroubled, and optimistic outlook on life. A man who is fiercely loyal to those he holds dear. Truly amazing and true strength.

How could you fail to be influenced by the actions of two lives of consequence so close to your own? How could they not change the way you look at life? How could they not make you a better, stronger, more compassionate leader?

I will forever be in their debt. Not only have they been the greatest gifts of my life, but they are the gift that never stops giving, continually challenging me to be a better man, a better father, a better leader, and a better servant to my community.

#leadership #development #change #community #strength

With Every Passing Day......

With every passing day it becomes harder for me to deny that I look just like my Dad…..and with every passing day I am thankful that this transition also included displaying the traits that made him a man of substance, goodness and deserving of my respect.

#goodmenraisegoodmen #dadsrock 

Not All Heroes Wear Capes. Not All Leaders Wear Suits.

Today my parents celebrate 60 years of marriage. Quite the achievement in a society that seems to place less and less value on commitment and stability. I could wax lyrical on all of the ways their love and support has helped propel me to where I am today, but I will instead focus on the leadership qualities that they have modeled for me throughout my life, qualities I hope I model in my personal life as a Dad, and also in my professional life as a leader and coach.

- Commitment to purpose: there was not once in my life that I ever believed they would not be there for me if I needed them. That stability has provided me with the foundation to explode into the world.

- Optimism and encouragement: no dream was ever to big, no goal ever unachievable. I may not have had a chance at being a centre forward for England, but I never felt that anything else was off the table.

- Constant learning - they injected into my world a thirst for knowledge and understanding that still drives me today. The challenge to push beyond my comfort zone, combined with the knowledge that the safety net of family was an ever present.

- Empathy, community and giving: they have lived a life of sacrifice, open hearts and kind souls. They gave back when they could, never lost hope, and provided a consistent environment of love. I will forever be indebted for their grace, love and compassion.

- Accountability: the importance of owning your actions; the importance of accepting consequence and the humility to look at these situations not as weaknesses, but as opportunities for learning.

There are so many other things I can say......but today is their special day, and so the only phrase that comes close to what I want to convey is:

Thank you Mum and Dad.......FOR EVERYTHING!


#mumanddad #constancy #love #sacrifice #rolemodels