Saturday 4 February 2012

Game Changer

You'll know the time,
You'll know the place.
When all the pieces fall in sync.
You'll know the feeling,
You'll know the taste,
When life's shutter takes a blink.
To capture joy,
To capture fate,
To give you purpose,
To give you grace.
To frame your future
With a new back light.
To open eyes
That once lacked sight.

And so I sit with heart wide open,
A mind set loose to wander free.
To embrace the kind of loving truth,
That flows so effortlessly out of thee.
A life reborn with paths untrodden,
Winding through the clouds
Of long held hopes and long held dreams;
Removed, all traces of doubt.

So here I stand ten feet taller,
My face toward the sun,
Your love lifting me higher
A life betwixt begun.
Time will mark its progress,
At a pace that fits its plan
And I'll be waiting, watching, loving
Ready to make our stand.