Thursday 29 October 2015

A Father's Love, The Love of a Father

I was told I was a great Dad today. Those words never grow old. As my boys grow older and start to enter their own manhood, my role will change from protector to coach, from provider to friend, and eventually, hopefully, the man they will come to when they need advice. I think I'm ready. I hope they think I am too.

Don't get me wrong, I want to hang on to these wonder years as long as possible. I love the hugs, the kisses and the reliance. It's a great ego boost after all! I'm very much aware, however, that my boys are becoming men; the good and honourable men I always knew they would become.

Good hearts; such good hearts. One full of confidence and sarcasm; the other still building the faith in himself his mother and I, and all those that truly know and love him, know he so justly deserves to feel. Kind hearts, aware of others and blessed with the spirit of sharing. Welcoming of difference and fierce defenders of what is right, true and fair. OK, maybe Logi did earn the name Silent Ninja for a reason, but deep down this boy would defend truth with his life. It's one of his most amazing qualities.

You hear of some families where the word love is seldom heard. Families where the warm and soothing blanket of a cuddle is rationed and withheld. How could somebody frown connection with a life they have helped to create / mould? It makes me sad to think of children growing up in environments where love does not overflow every heart. Sometimes it even makes me cry. I hear of fathers who desert their children and I can't fathom how one could do that. How could you not want to feel the love of your child(ren) every day? Every hour? Every second? It is so foreign to me.

When God blessed me with two boys I knew how important my role was and how important it would become. I was able to look back at my own childhood and see the wonderful way in which my Father had prepared me to be a man: the love; the open displays of affection; the encouragement, the discipline; the stability; the provision. In short, the gift of freedom with security, the gift of wonder without fear, the gift of love without limit, and the gift of hope for a life to be fully lived. How wonderful is that?

I owe that man so much.

I can only hope to give my boys the same gifts he gave me.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

25 Minutes to Houston

Flying is always a reflective time for me. Don't get me wrong, I do my fair share of movie watching, snoozing and snacking whilst on board, but something about being up so high just seems to trip something in my brain. I think deep meaningful thoughts, I write poetry, I get incredibly emotional and, as now, sometimes I feel compelled to write stuff down.

Maybe it's because I feel closer to God up here; maybe it's because flying brings its own reality check on how life can so easily be taken away; or maybe in the silence of a crowd of people stuffed in a metal tube you finally have the time to tune out the world of stress, hurt, pain and unhappiness that seems to plague most of our lives and finally really appreciate what you have. It's a very liberating experience for me and invariably includes silent tears and red eyes.

The truth is my life is blessed. I have people I love and people who love me. People who I rely upon and people that rely upon me. Sure there is stress and pain and fear and I don't mean to downplay that......but a simple 'I love you Daddy' reminds every hour of every day that my life is pretty damn good. I have a family that I fall in love with more each day. Brothers who I love and inspire me. A sister who is a shining example of love, caring and strength. A mother who guided me in the womb and has never stopped guiding me in how to love and how to embrace the wonders of this world. A Father who I grow more like each day and in all the best ways. A Father who makes me proud to be the man I am. Pretty cool huh?

I have friends who love and like me. Friends who chide me when I need to be, validate me when I need it, and also friends that accept me for the  very complicated but simple man I am.....and some really special friends who do all three and more!

I'm blathering but I won't apologize. This is me. These are my thoughts. These are things that keep me smiling every day and drinking from the glass that is half full and ready to be topped up whenever you get a spare minute. ;)

Happy flying.....,don't forget your tissues!