Monday 23 October 2017

Oh How I Am Loved By You!

Oh how I am loved by you,
In ways that only two can know.
Betwixt the days and through the nights,
Lies the secret life we sow.
You read me like an open book,
Whose pages flutter to and fro.
Each word, each phrase that on them lie,
You watch them into a story grow.
Such love pours down in torrents calm,
A smooth tumult of loving glow.
It bathes me in a touch so soft,
And on me doth it’s gift bestow.
I weep with joy, I smile with love,
No trouble can lay me low.
Oh how I am loved by you,
In ways that only two can know.

Monday 29 May 2017

Give Me Your Money......Please. 😁

You are probably thinking I'm a bit of a nag,
Bugging you daily to add to my swag;
But in truth i can provide a much better answer,
All I want is to do is to help kill cancer.

If I appear obnoxious and a little bit trying,
Remember it's your money, not health, I'm busy prying,
You may become annoyed with my constant prattle,
But most of us after all don't have cancer to battle.

What binds us together, though, is a river of tears,
As we remember those that have passed with the years.
So help me make a difference; send me your cash,
Build me a mountain, add to my stash!

Give what you can, give with your heart,
Small, medium, large; let's make a start!
If your gift takes the form of love and support,
Thank you! Thank you! You've also done your part!

Monday 2 January 2017

The Soft Descent into Wonder

I have never known love like this before.
Never sunk so completely
Into the arms of my future,
And the warmth of together.

If you were to ask me
To fashion words to capture this feeling,
My hand would stumble across the page,
No alphabet capable of creating it.

It washes over me
As a tide laps the shore;
Moulding and guiding,
It's calm surface a disguise for its passionate heart.

Every day I sink deeper,
Like a warm blanket draws you into a winters sleep.
And with every soft caress,
Deeper still my soul descends.

So here I lie,
A man bereft of fear and doubt;
Bathing in the wondrous light
That pours from your soul to mine.