Saturday 26 August 2023

Way Back and Far Beyond

There used to be a time,

Way back and far beyond,

When people could disagree,

And still have a bond


Of friendship and respect

That honoured the meek,

And didn't seek to cancel

Those that chose to speak.


But gone are those days,

Buried deep in condescension,

Leaving only the vileness

That demands your suspension.


A world that seeks to control

And call to attention,

Any speech that would challenge

And highlight perceived contention.


It's no longer a case

Of debate and discussion,

But shouting and screaming

And sounds of derision. 


How did it happen?

How did we get so far off key?

Why did we let this happen

To them, you, and me?


When did we lose

The art of persuasion?

How do we fix it,

And balance the equation?


For one we can acknowledge 

There are always many faces,

And we do a disservice with

The concept of 'safe spaces'.


Because the truth can be hard to hear

And just as hard to see,

But to achieve equality of thought

We need that kind of equity.


So it doesn't matter

If it's about sex, guns, or gender, 

Or debates that discuss 

First, second, or third trimester.


We need to talk.

We need to openly discuss

And listen and listen and listen,

To opinions that differ from us.


Then maybe, just maybe,

When we've cured the division,

We can come together as one,

And always make the right decision.

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