Saturday 18 June 2016

An Open Letter to my Dad on Father's Day

Image result for love of my fatherBeing told I looked like you began at an early age. It was a natural thing to say when Steven looked so much like the milkman's, but I digress. It frustrated me, as one would expect for every kid growing up. Little did I know that while I was silently brooding over the similarities in our outward appearance, you were quietly moulding me on the inside with the character traits and values that would set me up for life. A set of ethics, beliefs and morals that would create the man I am proud to be and the Father my sons deserve.

Thank you.

Thank you for every single minute. Now don't get me wrong, there were frustrating times and you were quite the ass sometimes. 😉 These times were so infrequent though, and when I look back with the clarity of maturity, I see only positivity and support.

Unlike a lot of Fathers, you were ever present. Always involved. Always part of my life. Your steady guidance created a confidence in me that forever convinces me that there is nothing in this world I cannot achieve. You made my horizons limitless. What an awesome gift for a child.

You taught me it's important to contribute. To give back. You taught me that it's important to have values and not be afraid to defend them. My eloquence and ease at public speaking was inspired by you. It has become an important definer in my life and has allowed me to fully explore every leadership opportunity that has come along. So many fear leadership. You do not and I have inherited that lack of fear.

You love your children and at 76 they are still ever present in your thoughts. Yes I know you pull the whole Godfather thing, but deep down you worry, you care, you provide. Your support for Simon and Sarah in recent years as they have faced toil and heartbreak has been inspiring. I aspire to be that man.

I have followed your lead and try to be the Father my boys need in every way. I feel you on my shoulder guiding me, whispering advice, pointing me in the right direction. It's amazing.

Now that we are Brother Masons our bond is even deeper. We have both made promises, commitments and obligations that define us as men committed to be better men. You are my Brother and my Father - and in each way you continue to mould my life for good.

So on this Father's Day, I want to say thank you for all the world to hear. I owe so much of my life to your love and your love fills me with a warm confidence none can shake.

If I can be half the Father to my boys that you were, and are, to me, then I will feel I have done a great job.

I aspire to be the Man you are. Thank you Dad.

One last thing.....while I am not apologizing for every 'minor disagreement' we may have had 😉, there was an incident, probably 12 years ago, where I dropped the F bomb. It was crass and disrespectful and you deserved more respect. I'm sorry for behaving like a brat. Love me?

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